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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

Real life rehab

Sep 12, 2016 12:11PM ● By Guest

The rehabilitation department at Palisade Living Center is providing the Grand Valley community with a new approach to physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology. Ac- cording to Rehabilitation Director William Cummins, this method of delivering therapy is focused on re- al-life functional approaches. Rather than the traditional use of repetitive drills or exercising on standard gym equipment, the rehab team has repeatedly demonstrated improved clinical outcomes through bridging patient-specific treatment goals to the functional daily activities needed to return the patient to their prior way of life. This approach to rehabilitation means that therapy is no longer confined to the therapy office or gym but takes place everywhere—the grocery store, library, post office, park and kitchen. Simply put, Cummins said it is “real life rehab.”

Since implementing the concepts of real life rehab at Palisade Living Center, the demand for their result-oriented rehab services has increased significantly. As a result, the rehab team has tripled in size and is now providing rehabilita- tion services for those with a busy schedule that need outpatient ther- apy from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. seven days a week.

To learn more about real life rehab or to make an outpatient therapy appointment, contact Cummins at 464-7500 or WRCum [email protected].

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