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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

Is Aleppo a brand of dog food?

Oct 03, 2016 11:26AM ● By Kevin VanGundy

The first presidential candidate that I had the privilege to vote for was Ronald Reagan in 1980. My youngest daughter, Olivia, will have that same privilege of voting in her first presidential election this November. Unfortunately, there is no Ronald Reagan running for office. Then how should she decide?

A glimmer of hope

I think the best way to decide whom to vote for this November is to look at the vice-presidential candidates. Both make a reasonable choice for President of the United States.

-  Mike Pence (R)

-  Tim Kaine (D)

Libertarian fools gold

At one point I had decided to go the Libertarian route, but when their candidate for president, Gary Johnson, didn’t know what Aleppo was, I was scared straight—straight back to a mainstream candidate. I’m as much of an isolationist as the next redneck but to not know about Aleppo? Come on! Get your head in the game! And no, Aleppo is NOT a brand of dog food.

Keys to a happy retirement

There are three keys to a happy retirement: health, wealth and family/friends. This month’s Retirement Planning insert will help you make the best choices in planning for your golden years. Let us know what your tips are.

Help us honor our veterans

In November, we’ll honor our veterans with a special issue that tells their stories. And while we have a few good candidates in mind, we could use your help to find more. Do you know of an unsung hero? Please call us at 243-8829 and give us their name and a way for us to contact them.


A Voter’s Dilemma

By Louis Farmer

I guess I had better start making a note

About when and where and how to vote.

All of my life I’ve voted the GOP

But the last few years it seems to me

The republicans have somehow gone to pot,

Their speeches are mostly just a lot of rot.

But I couldn’t vote for a democrat.

Oh no! I couldn’t think of doing that!

Their speeches all come thru loud and clear,

If you have a radio or TV anywhere near.

“I will balance the budget, curb government spending.

No more foreign aid will we be lending.

I will get rid of the bureaucrats, slow down inflation.

Vote for John Doe, you can see I’m no imitation.”

Now I’ve heard that bunk for many long years.

Anymore it drives me wild, almost to tears.

Why doesn’t someone come along that can tell us the truth?

So that when I go in that voting booth

I’ll vote for him, whether black, white, or green,

Just so we can get something done on that government scene!

While this poem could have been written yesterday, it’s actually over 40 years old. Thank you, Sue Chapman, for submitting your father’s poem to us.