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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

What happens when the boomers go bust?

Oct 31, 2016 11:36AM ● By Kevin VanGundy

On a local note, am I the only one who sees the irony in this photo?

Both candidates for president are at the leading edge of the baby boomer generation. That’s sad, as neither of them have addressed one of the greatest issues we are facing as a nation—the aging of America. As wealthy and privileged people they can both afford any retirement lifestyle they want. You and I, not so much.

The AARP has a much-ignored effort underway called “Take a Stand,” aimed at getting politicians to address the looming Social Security crisis. (It’s worth noting that when this system was started, most people lived to about 62 years of age. Now it’s a ripe old 80.) Not many seem to give a damn and that’s a shame, as it is estimated that 51 percent of Americans have no retirement savings. Zippo. Nada. Nothing.

In 2010 there were seven caregivers for every care recipient. By 2030 the number of caregivers will drop in half. The 80-and-older population will grow by 44 percent between 2030 and 2040, and I’ll be one of them. (Don’t build that wall yet, Mr. Trump. We may need our friends from the south to care for us as we age.)

Perhaps we’ll have better candidates in 2020. Or perhaps they’ll just start rounding up everyone with  gray stars on their chests into ghettos for old people.

In the meantime, I’m going to celebrate Thanksgiving in the greatest country on God’s green planet, eat some turkey, drink some beer and watch a little football.

God bless America! Thank you to our veterans for your service!