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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

Keep up to date with dating

Jan 30, 2018 12:05AM ● By Melanie Wiseman

Dating is not just a young people’s game. One thing about human nature never changes, no matter your age: Nobody likes feeling lonely. Plenty of older men and women are out there looking for companionship. If you’re interested in dating, but a little out of practice, these pointers will help.

Flirting with romance

Flirting is still the best way to create an instant, friendly bond without any real commitment or scaring off the other party. Kept at a friendly level, it can be fun and harmless.

  • Show off your personal charm by being true to who you are. Don’t be phony.
  • Don’t opt for corny pick-up lines. Conversations should be meaningful and adult.
  • Don’t let preconceived notions about age deter you from flirting. Be confident, unafraid and take rejection in stride.
  • Learn to use body language to your advantage. With years of experience behind you, you should know how best to use nonverbal communication. Good eye contact and simple gestures, such as a smile or a gentle touch on the arm, show the person you are interested.
  • By definition, flirting is playful. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
  • Give sincere compliments, not false praise.
  • Relax and share laughter freely and naturally. Steer clear of overreacting.
  • Good flirting is anything but superficial. Conversation should be balanced and reciprocal, not an interview. Ask insightful questions that bring out the other person’s personality.
  • Be aware of the other person’s reaction.
  • Be graceful and sensitive, not pushy.
Get back in the dating game

For young couples, age and looks play a more important role in the search for a partner. Adults over 50 find that wisdom that comes with age changes the significance of these characteristics and are more flexible in their approach to companionship.

Age becomes less important, outweighed by physical health and the activities that interest you. The typical relationship standard of men being older than women goes out the window as we age.

Appearance is still important, although it takes a much lower precedence. Adults are wise enough to know that looks have little to do with someone’s personality, or whether or not they will be a kind and loving companion.

  • Dates for young adults usually center on drinks. Older adults appreciate a dinner date, as dinner is when we feel most alone.
  • Don’t assume every senior who’s dating is looking for love and marriage. Many people simply seek companionship for travel, activities or dinner and nothing more.
  • Be prepared—some have multiple companions as the solution to their social needs.
  • Forget texting. Seniors prefer to talk on the phone or in person to make a truly trustworthy connection.

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