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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

Starting seeds and healthy habits

Mar 01, 2018 05:20PM ● By Paige Slaughter

We participate in Nature’s rhythm through gardening.

Rather than watch the seasons go by, observing weather changes and admiring transforming landscapes from a distance, we experience the ebb and flow. This relationship with the natural world helps us embody concepts and practices that make us feel good.

This simple shift is easily overlooked, but the concept of health and well being is immeasurably different from the lived experience of it. Embodiment allows us to enjoy the real-life benefits of a healthy lifestyle—the joy, excitement and ease of it.

Sowing seeds of wellness

This month, we can sow seeds of wellness by planting a bed of dark leafy greens, which are full of calcium; iron; vitamins A, C and K; potassium and fiber. A bed of colorful carrots adds antioxidants while radishes add magnesium and vitamin B6. I like to direct sow seeds thick, then thin as sprouts emerge, harvesting baby greens along the way. Add a thin layer of grass clippings to keep the soil moist, and cover garden beds with a sheet on colder nights.

Sowing seeds is about more than facilitating actual germination. It’s about setting our own intentions for health and well being. It’s a delightfully true metaphor, as with each seed we sow, we are setting a tangible intention for growth and transformation.

Such intentions are simple reflections of Nature, who always leans towards life and prosperity. Like Nature, we can participate in creating abundance and immerse ourselves in cycles rich with sustenance and love.

In the garden this time of year, we are surrounded by brand-new beginnings. As buds emerge and bulbs send up new colors and aromas, we are reminded by Nature’s infinite beauty of our own access to endless possibilities.

Sowing seeds of wellness is about trusting Nature, life itself and our bodies. By setting tiny intentions for joy and feeling good, we are opening ourselves up to experience well being fully and truly—transforming the idea of health into the reality of feeling alive.

Back to embodiment

As we move into this next season of gardening and growth, think about how we are embodying the concepts we value and the feelings we want to experience. As free-willed human spirits, we get to choose how we interact with life every day. By moving, fueling and being mindful of our bodies, we can bring ideas into the realm of lived experience and create the lives we want to live.

May the garden be a platform for you to do just that, each and every day.

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