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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

BEACON Bingo and more summer fun

Jul 05, 2018 04:00AM ● By Cloie Sandlin

I don’t know what it’s like to be retired, but some readers tell us it’s like a long summer break, while others tell us they can’t seem to find the time to take a break.

Regardless of how you’re spending retirement, summer is in full swing, and boy, it’s a hot one. Western Colorado residents are beating the heat with trips on the river, camping on Grand Mesa, relaxing in the shade of their gardens and staying indoors to try out some new hobbies—like ham radio, for example.

I find it absolutely fascinating that there are more than 800 licensed ham operators in Mesa County communicating over the airwaves with others all over the world. One man even got his teenage daughter hooked! Read more about amateur radio enthusiasts and Ham Fest in this month’s cover story.

Volunteer of the Year comes to Montrose BeaconFest

Volunteer of the Year is one of the most popular events at our Grand Junction BeaconFest Boomer and Senior Fair. While nominations and voting have always been open to Montrose-Delta readers and organizations, we're happy to announce that we are incorporating this exciting way of recognizing exceptional volunteers at this year's Montrose-Delta BeaconFest on September 20.

Submit your nomination

Do you work alongside an outstanding volunteer, or has your life been touched by the efforts of one? Local organizations can show their appreciation by nominating exceptional volunteers for the BEACON's Volunteer of the Year award. All nominees will be recognized in the August Montrose-Delta edition of the BEACON and at BeaconFest Boomer and Senior Fair on Thursday, September 20. Find the nomination form on page 7 of this month's BEACON and right here.

Senior day at the fair

Win cash prizes at BEACON Bingo, show off your arts and crafts skills and meet some cool stallions at the Mesa County Fair on July 25. Cool off in the BEACON tent and enjoy lunch specials and fun activities from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. All Senior Day activities are free for seniors—in fact, the fair is free all week long!

Transitions in aging

BEACON readers are facing some major decisions, ranging from planning their retirement and estates to seeking the right in-home care professional or assisted living community. The options available can be confusing and expensive. We’ll help you sort them out in August’s Transitions in Aging insert, our annual guide geared towards helping boomers and seniors navigate the next chapters in their lives. Do you lend a helping hand to seniors? We’d love to include you! Give us a call at 243-8829.


Send us your pet photos!

In last month’s column, I asked for photos of your pets for our August issue. We’ve received great response, but we simply can’t get enough! Send stories and photos of your cuddly creatures by July 15 to [email protected] or P.O. Box 3895, Grand Junction, CO 81502.

P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for some fun and friendly competition at this year’s Western Colorado Senior Games. The official program and registration form is inside this month's issue, or available online.

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