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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

Aging isn’t fair

Aug 02, 2018 06:02AM ● By Kevin VanGundy

Most people can guess a child’s age within a year or two, but it’s not so easy to tell with us seniors. I’ve met some that act 40, look 60 and are actually 70. I’ve met others who look 80 and are actually 60. (My wife says I act like a 16-year-old and I’m 56. That’s a good thing, right?)

The point is that aging is not always fair. Many of us should take advantage of every resource we can find to stay feeling our best and living life to the fullest. The BEACON is here to help.

A continuum of care

Transitions in Aging focuses on the continuum of care that you and I will go through as we age. You may be facing some major decisions, like planning your retirement or estate, modifying your home or searching for a new one, seeking the right in-home care professional for a loved one or tracking down the perfect assisted living community. This publication is meant to be a helpful guide as you transition from one phase of life to the next.


Another great place to start is by calling 211. This statewide program provides an easy way to find out what resources are available in your area by simply dialing the number and connecting with an operator. Your next best bet may be to contact your local Area Agency on Aging. These agencies do a wonderful job of supporting services and advocating for our community’s seniors. If you live in Mesa County, contact the Region 11 Area Agency on Aging at 248-2717. Delta and Montrose County citizens, as well as those who live in Gunnison, Ouray, Hinsdale or San Miguel counties, can call Region 10 at 249-2436 (more information on page 2).

Boomers to blow up senior housing

Baby boomers are just now starting to transition into senior housing. Consequently, the government forecasts predict dire shortages, which is why more and more people are choosing to age in place. Housing Resources of Western Colorado (ad on page 5) administers a great program where they can help you adapt your home to your changing needs.

Whether you’re aging at home or enjoying your new senior apartment, chances are you’ll need help from medical equipment providers, dentists and hearing specialists, which you can read more about on page 8.

Making the move

Should you decide that moving from your present home is needed, Western Colorado Estate Services can help you with the process from beginning to end. They also specialize in downsizing services.

If you have questions, words of wisdom, or topics you’d like us to address with your fellow readers, shoot us an email at [email protected].

Enjoy your transitions and see them for what they are—an opportunity to start anew.

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