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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

Protect your soil with cover crops

Aug 29, 2019 03:24PM ● By Paige Slaughter

As leaves change, mornings and nights get cooler and the days get shorter, gardeners are busy for most of the summer’s end. The coming of fall reminds us, in the most beautiful way, that Nature is made of cycles. One ends, another begins.

It really is impossible for me to choose a favorite season, but fall has a way of stirring up emotions like no other season can. Red and yellow leaves fall from trees and settle on the ground to become soil that will soon again sprout life. In fall, every image of decay feels like a powerful reminder of resilience and rebirth.

In the garden, we’re juggling harvesting, processing our bounties and pulling out plants that are done for the year. But as Nature shows us, autumn isn’t all about cleaning up. It’s also about decaying for the sake of new life.

When plants and animals decay, microorganisms like bacteria and fungi release enzymes to break down compounds in the organic matter so that they can absorb the nutrients in those compounds. During this process, trace elements of nutrients and nitrogen are released and made available to plants, which provide sustenance for animals and humans.


Our garden beds have worked hard! And all that life in the garden begins below the surface, even after seeds have sprouted and grown.

As you start to pull plants out of the garden, you’ll notice patches of bare soil. Rather than leave those exposed and vulnerable to the sun, wind and cold of winter, placing cover crops and mulch will protect and nourish our garden beds.

Cover crops protect the soil from the elements of the winter, like a wool sweater. They also add organic matter to the soil, increase fertility, prevent soil erosion and compaction, and can even help suppress weeds in the spring depend- ing on the type of cover crop and where you live.

While there are many approaches to cover cropping and many plants to choose from, in general, there are two kinds of cover crops to consider: winter-killed and win- ter-hardy.

Winter-killed cover crops will die from frosts during the winter. Sown in summer, winter-killed cover crops grow rapidly then die after a few hard frosts. Both the plant and root mass will add organic matter to the soil and hold it in place until spring.

Winter-hardy cover crops stay alive through winter and thrive again in the spring. These can be annual or perennial plants that add fertility to the soil and provide living mulch for your garden beds.

Using cover crops in your garden will do wonders for the health of your soil and transform your gardens into year-round ecosystems.


The Western Slope climate offers the opportunity to explore both winter-killed and winter-hardy cover crops.

Hairy vetch and clover are two commonly used perennial, winter-hardy cover crops. Their vigorous growth makes them outcompete weeds, while their deep roots loosen compacted soils and fix nitrogen along the way.

Peas, oats, buckwheat, ryegrass and daikon radish are some options available for winter-killed cover crops. These fast-growing annual plants each have different soil benefits: nitrogen-fixing, “tillage” and winter protection.

You can use multiple winter-killed cover crops and even mix them with some winter-hardy cover crops for a range of effects. By sowing a mixture of seeds, you’ll learn directly from your soil what it needs by observing which crops flourish.

You can even mix in an edible crop like arugula or kale that is both winter-hardy and will provide you with delicious greens during winter and early spring. Sow arugula this month alongside other cover crops (that you’ll be able to identify) or by itself in a patch of soil that’s already healthy and rich. Young greens will pop up in the cool of fall, and growth will slow as winter begins. Arugula won’t mind being under a blanket of snow, and you can also incorporate frost blankets to help protect kale and other winter greens from frost.


mulch cover crop
Another way to encourage decomposition is by covering bare soils with mulch. Mulch can be any type of organic matter: leaves, grass clippings, chopped up carrot tops. Opt for plant material that hasn’t been sprayed with herbicide, so that you’re feeding your soils nutrient-rich material instead of harmful chemicals. Even better, start with a layer of compost or alpaca manure before you add mulch.

At the end of the day, nearly any mulch is better than no mulch, so play around with what works best for you. The earth of your garden will be happier for it!

Let Nature’s cycle influence your gardening; you might just find your- self more deeply engaged in your garden this fall, and each season after.