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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

Faith in Music

Sep 30, 2019 12:03PM ● By Melanie Wiseman

How a debilitating illness inspired reflective, scripture-inspired songs

Music is a huge part of Betty Rosenwald’s spiritual life. It kept her spirits up when she was down, brought her closer to God and still brings her great joy.

Her musical journey began during the most challenging years of her life. In 1995, Rosenwald came down with acute chronic fatigue syndrome and was in bed for two years. During this difficult time, she turned to music.

“It’s then that I started writing music based on scripture,” said Rosenwald, 76. “I believe the Lord was calling me to do this. It blessed me a lot and I thought eventually I would be able to share it with others and bless them as well.”

With piano and organ lessons already under her belt, she furthered her learning using a Washington State University music theory book and a year’s worth of lessons from jazz pianist Steve Haberman.

“He not only taught me the chords, but to free myself up from the structure of music,” said Rosenwald. “I learned to improvise.”

musicians Betty Rosenwald and Jennifer Hemenway

Bringing songs to life

By the summer of 2018, she had written the music and lyrics for 150 songs using the computer program MuseScore, but was still seeking a way to share them.

“I wanted to record my songs and originally thought I would learn to run the recording equipment and find someone to do the singing,” said Rosenwald. “I even took the introductory class at the library’s 970West Studio three times but decided it was too much for me.”

Her patience and persistence paid off. Knowing Rosenwald had written many songs, the music director at First Presbyterian Church suggested having one of them sung in church. He specifically recommended Jennifer Hemenway, a 21-year-old recent Colorado Mesa University voice major graduate for the vocals. The two women sang in the same church choir but weren’t personally acquainted beforehand.

After performing her original piece, Rosenwald approached Hemenway about the possibility of recording her music.

“I already knew my way around the equipment through school and knew it would be a fun, educational experience,” said Hemenway. “I needed a break from the demanding music major schedule.”

She loves the fact that she’s able to record, edit and sing, despite being told that most vocal students won’t get a job in the field right out of college.

A dynamic duo

To date, Rosenwald and Hemenway have finished recording their first CD and are working on a second. Rosenwald already has the songs picked out for a third CD.

“I want the fourth to be a special music CD including Christmas, Easter and wedding songs I’ve written,” said Rosenwald.

Hemenway plans on being in the Grand Valley another year, which she said is plenty of time to finish the project. Rosenwald’s reflective and meditative scripture-inspired songs have been printed in book form, for which she is looking for a publisher.

Both women have found 970West Studio to be an outstanding location and space to record. While other studios can charge up to $80 an hour, 970West is free with a Mesa County library card. It also has a terrific staff that offers free classes on music recording and editing as well as computer basics, videography, PowerPoint and more.

Rosenwald and Hemenway book four-hour sessions two to three times a week, in addition to working at home refining and practicing. They rehearse each song in the studio several times before doing multiple takes separately, recording the voice and piano on separate tracks. Hemenway then edits the best of these and puts them on the final CD.

“Recording the second CD has been so much easier than the first,” said Hemenway. “Every time we do this it just keeps getting better and better.”

Not only are their recording efforts getting tighter, so is their relationship. They dine together frequently, and Hemenway enjoys having Rosenwald as her go-to person now.

“Jennifer has a beautiful voice. It’s been a dream of mine to share my music and she’s made that possible,” said Rosenwald. “It’s not random that we were brought together—God’s hand was in this. I just love her and she’s like a daughter to me now.”

Learn more

Jennifer Hemenway is willing to help others accomplish their musical dreams. Call 417-3082.

Listen to their music on YouTube. Subscribe to Hemenway’s channel under her name.