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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

What you need to know about adult vaccines

Oct 05, 2020 10:46AM ● By Kimberly Blaker

When it comes to health, prevention is the best medicine. 

Many avoidable diseases can cause extensive damage to our health, especially as we age or when combined with other medical conditions or a weakened immune system. While many preventable illnesses are treatable, they can nonetheless result in lasting complications. Therefore, getting vaccinated against certain diseases is vital to prevent these illnesses from taking hold in our bodies.

We all know vaccinations are standard during childhood, but adults need immunizations, too. As we age, adults require different protections or may need booster shots to ensure vaccines received in the past remain effective.

How do vaccines work?

The goal of vaccinations is to reduce your chance of infection by developing immunity through your body’s natural defense system. When bacteria or viruses get into your body, they reproduce and attack your system. Your body’s immune system has various approaches to fight off this infection. For example, white blood cells can learn how to protect your body from particular germs that you’ve been vaccinated against.

Vaccines use a small amount of a certain virus or bacteria and introduce it into your system. The antibodies then learn how to fight off the germs in the event you encounter them in a larger quantity. For this reason, you may have a slight reaction to the vaccine—such as a fever—while your body works to fight it. Still, this reaction is minor compared to the complications of getting a preventable disease. 

There are many types of vaccines, and each can interact with your body differently. Some vaccines require multiple doses or a booster later on to rebuild your immunity levels.

Some individuals are unable to get certain vaccines or have weakened immune systems that make them more vulnerable to infection. Herd immunity can protect these at-risk populations, including young children, older adults and individuals with certain health conditions. Herd immunity refers to a large percent of the population being immune to a disease, reducing the risk of the particular bacteria or virus passing from person to person.

What vaccines do older adults need?

Vaccines recommended in adulthood either offer yearly protection, are recommended for specific life or health situations, or are boosters to keep your childhood vaccinations working effectively.

Every individual has different medical needs, but common adult immunization recommendations include:


The flu shot is recommended annually for every person over the age of six months, especially for those at higher risk due to a weakened immune system, medical conditions or close contact with those at risk for the flu.

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap): 

The initial Tdap shot is currently given once, usually around the age of 11 or 12. Boosters are encouraged every 10 years after that, especially if you come in contact with pregnant women or young infants.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): 

If you were born before 1957, you’re likely immune from MMR. If you were born after 1957 and don’t have evidence of immunity, this vaccination is recommended, especially if you travel internationally. However, it’s not advised for those with a weakened immune system.

Recombinant Zoster (RZV): 

Currently, the Zoster vaccine is the preferred shot to prevent shingles. It’s especially suggested for those 50 or older since the risk and the likelihood of complications from shingles increases with age. Even if you’ve had shingles, you can get it again.

Pneumococcal Polysaccharide (PPSV23): 

This vaccine helps prevent pneumococcal diseases like meningitis and bloodstream infections. It’s recommended for everyone 65 and older and for younger individuals with certain health conditions.

Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13): 

This immunization also works to prevent pneumococcal disease and pneumonia for those with conditions that weaken their immune system.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers a vaccine assessment to help you determine which vaccines you may need based on your own personal factors such as age or health conditions. The best way to make sure you are up to date on immunizations is to discuss your medical history and needs with your doctor.  Take the CDC's Adult Vaccine Assessment at

Get your flu shot

Mesa County Public Health is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and on Fridays from 8 a.m. to noon. Call 248-6900 for appointments.

See a list of Montrose providers at or call 252-7079.

Immunizations are available by appointment at Delta County Public Health, Monday through Thursday. Call 874-2165. Delta County Memorial Hospital offers a drive-thru flu shot clinic on October 3 from 8 a.m. to noon. Call 875-2165 for details.

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