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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

Question of the Month - December 2021

Nov 22, 2021 01:53PM ● By Jan Weeks & Siggie Carpenter
An open brown suitcase features a large toy brown teddy bear sticking its head and front paws out like it's looking at the camera

"What toy did you love growing up?"

Mesa County

Toni Ray – Palisade

“My favorite ‘toy’ was a small Crosley, a real car. We lived in the country and I learned to drive when I was six. My sister, cousin and I used to drive it all over. We wore that one out, the second Crosley caught fire and we outgrew the third one!”

Eileen Lepisto – Grand Junction 

“I was never a doll person. My brothers’ toys like cars and trucks were my favorites, and I always got in trouble for it. My own favorite toy was my bike because I could keep up with my brothers.”

Michael Wallace – Grand Junction 

“My favorite toys were Lincoln Logs and Tinker Toys because I like to work with my hands. I went into construction as an adult after teaching high school math and science for a while. I was much better at construction!”

Gloria Cox – Grand Junction 

“Jacks was my favorite because I could play it alone or with a partner. When I was little, we moved to Puerto Rico where Jacks was unheard of. I became the most popular kid when I taught them how to play it.”

Montrose-Delta Counties

Shawnee Embrey - Montrose

“Growing up, I loved dolls and stuffed animals; my favorite was a Bye-Lo baby doll. In order to get her accessories, I had to earn the money. Soon riding horses and chores took up most of my time which prepared me for the busy life I have today.”

Don Carey - Cedaredge

“My favorite toys growing up were a BB gun and a guitar. I now have a big boys gun, but that guitar took me into a profession I still love today—I’m a musician and the leader of the band
‘New Vision.’”

Kim Zahniser - Montrose

“One of my favorite toys was Zippy the Monkey. He was a stuffed, rubber-faced chimpanzee doll and was first introduced to the world on the Howdy Doody Show in the ’50s. He was so cute and lovable. As an animal lover, he was the perfect toy for me.”

Sheila Calkins - Montrose

“As a child, I spent a lot of time making ‘something out of nothing,’ using whatever I could find...rope, rubber bands, tin cans and cardboard boxes. We made things to play with like walkie-talkies, jewelry and lots of forts. I still get a loving feeling when I think about those times.”

To read more Question of the Month answers, click here.

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