Question of the Month

What was your favorite candy when you were a kid?
Robert Hall
“It didn’t matter! I guess PayDays were probably my favorite, but I never had money to buy them. We’d go buy penny candy though, so that was cool.”
Hillary Hall
“I’ve always loved Snickers but there was a time when Butterfingers were my favorite—before they changed the recipe! They used to melt and get stuck in your teeth.”
Natalie Hubbs
“In the early ’60s, we lived in Bakersfield right across the street from the golf course. My parents would give us a nickel to go buy candy. My favorite candy I can’t eat anymore is Jolly Ranchers. That flavor would last forever in your mouth! Back
then, they were about a penny apiece.”
Deena Proschold
“Butterfingers. They used to be 25 cents. I remember being mad when the price went up to 35 cents because no longer could I buy four for $1.”