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BEACON Senior News - Western Colorado

Write a will: Take care of your pets

Feb 27, 2023 09:58AM ● By Jenna Kretschman

Planning for the inevitable day you pass away might feel uncomfortable or morbid, but preparing a will can ease your mind about what happens to the people and pets you love once you are no longer here. It’s also your opportunity to choose the legacy that will leave a lasting impact on the causes you care most about. March is Write a Will Month, which means now is the perfect time to write or update your will.

I’ve shared before in this column the importance of creating a plan for your pets to protect them if you become unable to care for them someday. Did you know that you can solidify that plan in your will? You can designate a future caregiver for your pets, whether that be a trusted relative or an animal shelter like Roice-Hurst Humane Society, and even set aside a specific amount of money for that pet’s ongoing care. 

A will also allows you to define your legacy by choosing who will benefit from your assets after you no longer need them. You can choose to leave all or some of your assets to a cause you care about through a legacy gift to a nonprofit of your choice. 

A legacy gift is a wonderful part of end-of-life planning. Just imagine the far-reaching impact your gift will make long after your lifetime! Legacy gifts have funded many projects at Roice-Hurst Humane Society that would not have been possible without the generosity of forward-thinking animal lovers who planned their will ahead of time. 

These projects include our mobile veterinary clinic that expands our capacity for veterinary care, a 5.5-acre land purchase that will allow us to meet the growing needs of our community and a charitable endowment fund that will provide a permanent source of funding for many decades to come.

This month, set aside time to put your end-of-life plans in place. The people, pets and causes you care about will someday be grateful that you did. Your legacy plan will ensure that your values, passions and love will live on for generations. 

Pet Wills and Legacy Directives

Click here to find sample directives and forms to help you plan for your pet's future if you precede them in death

or click here to learn more about planning a legacy gift that will benefit pets ad people in Western Colorado.

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