Another "breath day" on its way
Apr 04, 2023 02:06PM ● By Jan WeeksCan you have an active life after an organ transplant? Mike Spradlin’s answer is a resounding “Yes!”
And to celebrate two years of not only surviving but living fully after a double lung transplant, Spradlin and his wife Sara Martz are celebrating his second “breath-day” on Saturday, April 29, by hosting the second annual NoMoO2 golf tournament at Adobe Creek Golf Club.
In April 2021, Spradlin received a double lung transplant after being diagnosed with an incurable lung disease. After the surgery at St. Joseph’s Organ Transplant Center in Phoenix, the couple discovered just how many expenses aren’t covered by insurance and were determined to help other families of transplant patients as much as they could.
Thus was born the first charity tournament in 2022.
The proceeds from the event were donated to St Joseph’s with a stipulation that none of the money be used for administrative costs. Some of the money went to purchase prepaid credit cards that families could use at the gas pumps and pharmacies, among other expenses not covered by insurance. Last year, the couple hoped to raise $10,000, but thanks to participation, they donated over $20,000, and hope to do better this year.
Spradlin was a registered organ donor before his diagnosis and encourages everyone to consider doing so.
“You never know how close to home the need might be,” he said.
Spradlin’s own donor came from a family on the way to a soccer game when they were hit by another car. The children survived. The mother didn’t. The father, also a donor, lived just long enough for his lungs to save Spradlin’s life.
“One, three and five years are the benchmarks for a double lung transplant,” said Spradlin.
Here’s to many more golf tournaments.
Registration fees for the second annual “breath day” tournament start at $125 per person, and prizes such as a golf getaway to the Dominican Republic will be awarded. To play in or sponsor a team or hole, or donate to the big raffle, for the “breath day” tournament, visit or call 970-985-0061.
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