Touch the Sounds of Silence
Oct 04, 2023 10:35AM ● By Jan Weeks
Simon and Garfunkel changed the face of rock in 1965 with their first big hit, “The Sound of Silence,” and the second concert of the Community Concerts of the Grand Valley takes the audience on a nostalgic musical trip when Steven Delopoulos and Johnny Philipps bring their tribute to that famous duo to the Avalon stage.
Delopoulos and Philipps are cousins who grew up only a few miles apart—Philipps in Brooklyn, New York, and Delopoulos in New Jersey.
“We listened to music all the time as kids,” said Delopoulos. “We both took lessons, but mainly studied on our own. We learned out of pure curiosity and love.”
That’s why their act honors artists they admire by singing numbers they learned from those golden oldies.
Both dabbled with the piano but acoustic guitars were their go-to instrument, and they have spent 10 years building their Sounds of Silence act, as well as their other act, Burlap to Cashmere, in which they perform original songs.
The duo’s harmonies make you swear you were listening to Simon and Garfunkel live. However, the duo also covers others, such as John Denver’s “Annie’s Song,” and “American Pie” by Don McLean.
Delopoulos said, “My favorite writers are Don McClean, John Denver and Bob Dylan.”
So expect a few tributes to those musicians during the show.
Delopoulos and Philipps began performing together at family gatherings before they hit their teens. Delopoulos gravitated toward folk music of the 1970s while Philipps preferred more classic rock. Though their musical tastes are different, they both love singing harmonies, particularly on “The Boxer,” another Simon and Garfunkel mega hit.
Delopoulos and Philipps consider touring a kind of break from life.
“And we get to travel!” Delopoulos said.
However, they’re not fond of long hours of driving and grabbing fast food just to kill the hunger and move on to the next gig.
For a Halloween treat, plan to be at the Avalon Theatre, 645 Main St., at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 31, to see Sounds of Silence in concert, brought to you by Community Concerts of the Grand Valley. Doors open one hour before the show.
See the rest of the 2023-2024 lineup at
Before they were Simon & Garfunkel, what name did the do go by? (Hint: It's from a popular cartoon)Submit your answer below by Friday, October 20 to be entered into a drawing for two tickets to see the Sounds of Silence perform at the Avalon Theatre, 645 Main St., Grand Junction.