Deepen your romantic connection with these 9 tips
Jan 30, 2025 01:06PM ● By Heather Portenier
Discussing intimacy with a partner isn’t always easy. Telling the person you love that you need more from the relationship—especially when things feel “fine”—can be uncomfortable. But is it worth addressing even if the connection feels “okay”? Absolutely! Why settle for okay when you can have incredible?
Intimacy is much more than sex. It’s the foundation of strong relationships, expressed through a kind word, gentle touch, thoughtful gesture or romantic getaway.
As we age, intimacy takes on even greater importance, as meaningful connections help ward off loneliness. While the ways we express intimacy may change, the need for closeness remains constant. Here are some tips to keep the spark alive—or reignite it:
• Break the stigma of age and sex. Make your empty nest era one of sexual reawakening. With kids out of the house, enjoy your newfound privacy. Walk around the house naked or enjoy a romp or two in the living room without disruption. Revisit the early days of your relationship when you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. While libido may shift due to physical, cognitive or medication-related factors, intercourse and other forms of touch are still important for emotional and mental wellbeing.
• Soothe each other’s aches and pains. Middle age often brings menopause, unexpected injuries and new physical discomforts. Massage is the perfect remedy to ease your partner’s pain and enjoy an intimate moment together.
• Focus on reconnecting. After years of focusing on raising a family, take time to rediscover each other. Go for a walk, hold hands and have meaningful conversations that go beyond your daily routines.
• Compliment your partner often—especially in front of others. Showing off your admiration may even inspire others to do the same with their partner.
• Plan a bucket list vacation. Where did you always want to travel, but didn’t have the time or money? Now’s the time to follow through with those plans! Vacations are a great way to reconnect without the distractions of daily life.
• Pick up a new hobby or join a local club. Many senior centers offer activities and day trips you can enjoy together while meeting new people. Exploring something new can bring fresh excitement to your relationship.
• PDA is okay. Don’t be afraid of holding hands, stealing a quick kiss or showing affection in public. Humans instinctively desire contact. Talk about your night when you get home and seal it with a kiss.
• Prepare a special meal with candlelight. Appetite typically declines with age, but there is something distinctive, and more delicious, about a meal you cook and enjoy together.
• Have the tough talks. Few things are more intimate than discussing life’s most difficult topics. Whether it’s health, finances or living arrangements, understanding each other’s wishes builds trust and deepens your connection.
Mortality becomes a more present reality as we age. Relationship intimacy has been shown to contribute to a longer, healthier life for seniors. So cuddle up with your sweetie, share your love and whisper sweet nothings until the very end.