When you're too old to do...what?
May 30, 2023 10:08AM ● By David Wilkening
You can’t walk away from Father Time, but is it possible to grow too old to continue many physical activities? Is there really a time to quit, or is it all baloney?
The issue came up for me recently during a chat with the neighbor while I was getting the mail. I had just returned from a bicycle ride, which was apparent by my red-color blinking hat and neon green shirt. After threshing over the often-expressed opinion that hoping for something positive to arrive via U.S. mail was totally delusional, my neighbor raised a couple of questions that were somewhat unusual and seemingly unrelated because they involved numbers.
How far did I ride? And how old was I?
“Five to 10 miles as usual. I’m 77,” I told her.
“Amazing. I’m 76 but I gave up riding two years ago. I read that it’s dangerous to keep doing it at our age,” she said.
That made me wonder: Is this a common belief?
Age takes its toll, of course, but when is it time to stop lifetime physical activities like riding a bicycle?
My neighbor’s thoughts about exercise doing more harm than good is not an unfamiliar one. But most experts agree that as you age, sitting too much is a losing idea. And almost anyone at any age and with most health conditions can participate in some type of physical activity.
I am not a medical professional but I do have some suggestions of what type of physical activity we “old people” should incorporate into our routines. Here are my own dos and don’ts:
Do: Run. I considered it, but it’s not for me.
Don’t: We all hear of those 80-year-olds who run marathons, but running is hard on your body.
Do: Walk. It’s always good for you. It can be done almost anywhere and can be started at any age.
Don’t: Even my neighbor would agree it’s virtually impossible to overdo it or injure yourself walking unless you’re hiking some steep or uneven terrain.
Do: Any type of intense workouts or weight lifting.
Don’t: Avoid intense exercise. Instead, opt for lighter regular exercise such as swimming, aerobics or bicycling.
Do: Ride your bicycle. Yes, my own choice. It’s non-weight bearing and good for your cardiovascular health. The real danger is from motor vehicles.
Don’t: Forget to install your red lights and flags so motorists can see you.
Do: Aerobics regularly.
Don’t: Expect me to join you. I tried it.
Do: At last, consider jumping. Just that exercise can help prevent broken bones, which is a common ailment as we age. Research on tennis players found they had lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and live longer.
Don’t: Expect miracles.
All of this adds up to one cliché: use it or lose it. But don’t forget that sometimes the cliches get it right.

Leave age on the curb!
It is funny how we view aging as if it is something worthwhile to notice. So perhaps we should not put so much effort into seeing it. Read More »